Product updates

October product update

Published on
October 3, 2024
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SwiftFox is always getting better!
Here’s a roundup of the latest features we’ve recently rolled out.

Staggered email sending is here!

Planning a big campaign? Avoid spam filters with our new staggered send times feature. This allows you to send your messages in batches over a period you choose, helping keep your emails out of the junk folder.

Set default role titles for your Contacts

Default roles can now be created! Previously assigning your contact a role could only be done with free text. Now, you can create a default list of key Roles via Settings, which will then be available for users to select from when adding contacts to organisations – keeping your data clean. Free text remains available, and all Roles are searchable in the List Builder.

Upgrades to merge fields for bulk communications

We've been working to make sure you have all the merge fields you need across your Emails, Texts and Documents. You can now add a recipient’s email address as a merge field, and it's easier to use custom field types such as auto-increment (commonly used for membership numbers), linked fields, BPay fields and time fields. More financial merge fields are on the way shortly, so that you can easily add financial summaries to your communications - without needing to use a fancy formula first.

More filtering when viewing receipts  

This is one for those of you using SwiftFox to run your transactions - filtering is now available on the Receipts Table on a Contact’s financial profile. Filter by subscription, donation, event ticket, or any other transaction your contacts make. Specific tables can also be created for different receipt types, talk to your Account Manager if you are interested in learning more!

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Have a fantastic week!

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