SwiftFox for

Manage your Chamber of Commerce and effectively run your membership with the one platform that finally does both.

Level up your Chamber of Commerce

SwiftFox is an all-in-one cloud-based platform designed to free your Chamber of Commerce from spreadsheets and legacy systems.

SwiftFox combines core features like membership management, online payments and event management into a user-friendly, scalable solution with a dedicated local team at your fingertips.

Member experience

Builtin close partnership with Associations, SwiftFox consolidates your member data,streamlines your processes, and allows member communication at scale. You can eliminate separate tools like Mailchimp, Eventbrite, and SurveyMonkey.

Partnership approach

We deliver long-term partnerships built on mutual trust. Your Chamber receives a dedicated Account Manager to support you through implementation and beyond, while our roadmap is based on user feedback.

Grow networks

SwiftFox’s member management tools help you deepen member connections, boost renewal rates and grow revenue, so that you can focus on what you love doing and increase the impact of your Chamber of Commerce.

Chamber of commerce features

Complete member management

Each member has a profile in SwiftFox that tracks all core member data including contact information, member type, financial status, workplace and all communications sent and received. Members can be both people and organisations.

Members can be created several ways including automatically by website Join Forms created in SwiftFox, or manually by administrators in your team.
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Membership payments

SwiftFox calculates membership fees based on your Chamber’s subscriptions and handles all processing integrating with your existing payment gateway.

All payment methods are supported, including credit card, direct debit and invoicing. Receipt data is stored against the member’s profile in SwiftFox
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Website & Login Portal

SwiftFox can be quickly connected to your existing website, or we can work with your team to give your website an overhaul with the dedicated SwiftFox Member-focused website platform.

Your website is also how your members connect. SwiftFox provides customisable sign-up forms, event-marketing tools, a login portal and member-only content.
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All communications

SwiftFox is designed to give you all your communication tools in the one platform. From member email updates with personalised mail merge fields, to event organising, to text message campaigns - all your communications are finally in the same place.

Many of your communications can also be automated based on member activity.
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Membership reporting

The SwiftFox Action Centre provides dedicated reporting, customised to meet your requirements. These include live membership tracking, financial reports, organiser data, EOFY results and many more. All data is exportable, and development of visual dashboards is also available.
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Each member has a profile in SwiftFox that tracks all core member data including contact information, member type, financial status, workplace and all communications sent and received. Members can be both people and organisations.

Members can be created several ways including automatically by website Join Forms created in SwiftFox, or manually by administrators in your team.
SwiftFox calculates membership fees based on your Chamber’s subscriptions and handles all processing integrating with your existing payment gateway.

All payment methods are supported, including credit card, direct debit and invoicing. Receipt data is stored against the member’s profile in SwiftFox.
SwiftFox can be quickly connected to your existing website, or we can work with your team to give your website an overhaul with the dedicated SwiftFox Member-focused website platform.

Your website is also how your members connect. SwiftFox provides customisable sign-up forms, event-marketing tools, a login portal and member-only content.
SwiftFox is designed to give you all your communication tools in the one platform. From member email updates with personalised mailmerge fields, to event organising, to text message campaigns - all your communications are finally in the same place.

Many of your communications can also be automated based on member activity.
The SwiftFox Action Centre provides dedicated reporting, customised to meet your requirements. These include live membership tracking, financial reports, EOFY results and many more. All data is exportable, and development of visual dashboards is also available.

Build a relationship with us

group photo of all staff
If you’re searching for a new Association Management System or a membership-focused CRM, you know many options either lack essential features or come with high upfront costs and inadequate support, leading to a poor member experience and frustrated staff.

For over 20 years, we’ve partnered with Associations, Advocates and Campaigners to drive positive change globally. We know that switching to a new membership system is a big challenge and change. That is why we give you a dedicated team to help manage risks and reduce stress for your staff during the transition.

Let’s talk more

Our team is standing by to share our insight and expertise that comes from pushing ourselves every day to reach our goal of creating the best world’s best campaigning software.

We’d love to learn more about your engagement needs and show you how SwiftFox can help!

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