SwiftFox Texts

Engage anywhere with texts

Send and receive personalised texts to one or a million contacts with SwiftFox’s messaging toolkit that boosts engagement and streamlines communication.

Start sending texts

Text messages immediately grab attention, have higher open rates, are effortless to create, and deliver a personal touch.

Two-way relationships

Easily manage two-way conversations (sending and receiving), share the workload with colleagues, and quickly respond to inquiries.

Launch quickly

Text campaigns can be launched in minutes or use our powerful list-building tools to create a more detailed campaign. Manage conversations in a simple, built-in global inbox.

One clean inbox

SwiftFox’s global text messaging inbox centralises all your organisation's text communications, keeping conversations organised and easy to manage.

With configurable permissions and smart features, you can prioritise important messages and quickly find what you need, no matter the inbox size or number of users.

Import and manage lists

SwiftFox Texts makes it simple to manage contact lists for each campaign. You can create audiences in the List Builder from your CRM contacts or import phone numbers from a spreadsheet, and the system handles SMS databases of any size.

Additionally, SMS preferences can be migrated from other platforms, ensuring compliance with SPAM regulations.

Dedicated phone numbers

SwiftFox provides every organisation with a dedicated phone number for text messaging (and phone calls if needed), ensuring you don’t share your number with others, which builds trust with your contacts.

You can also have multiple numbers for different teams or individuals, giving each their own inbox, and we’ll work with you to configure SwiftFox Texts to meet your specific phone number needs

Scheduled send times

With SwiftFox’s text scheduling feature, there's no need to set reminders—simply schedule your campaigns to be sent at the optimal time. This allows you to plan for maximum impact and relax, knowing your messages will go out as planned.

Track message history

SwiftFox keeps a complete record of all messages sent and received between your organisation and contacts, displayed in a simple, conversational layout for easy context. This allows you to quickly catch up on conversations, making it seamless to continue where a colleague left off.

Manage compliance

SwiftFox Texts is designed to simplify compliance with relevant legislation for your campaigns. Setting up an unsubscribe option is quick, with the flexibility to enable it by default based on your organisation's requirements.

Unsubscribed numbers are automatically blocked from receiving bulk text message campaigns, so you don’t need to manage suppression lists manually.

A swift summary

Start sending text messages on day one with no complex setup.

View a detailed history of text message conversations with each contact.

Easily personalise messages by mail-merging CRM fields with no configuration needed.

Automate text messages based on specific actions in SwiftFox.

Manage event RSVPs and scheduling using SwiftFox Texts.

Ensure communications align with contact preferences,
with automatic unsubscribe and compliance management.

Let’s talk more

Our team is standing by to share our insight and expertise that comes from pushing ourselves every day to reach our goal of creating the best world’s best campaigning software.

We’d love to learn more about your engagement needs and show you how SwiftFox can help!

Learn more