Contact & Profiles

The perfect database

Easily manage your contacts, with profiles for all the People and Organisations in your database.

Create contacts

Add new contacts through form submissions, tool integrations, bulk data imports, or manually with SwiftFox’s user-friendly contact wizard. SwiftFox ensures effective profile management, capturing all the necessary details without unnecessary complexity.

Search & segment

Locate contacts instantly by any detail - email, phone number, or custom fields. Create targeted lists using specific criteria and segment contacts with different category types, making it easy to identify and communicate with different groups.

Access controls

SwiftFox allows you to set detailed user access permissions, ensuring the right people can view or edit specific profile information. Tailor access to safeguard sensitive data while enabling seamless collaboration across your organisation.

Flexible custom fields

SwiftFox enables you to create and manage custom fields for your contact profiles, tailored to your organisation’s needs.

Track anything from dates and document uploads to relationships and advanced calculations - all without needing external consultants.

AI-Powered insights

SwiftPredict AI takes your data further by delivering valuable predictions, such as a contact’s risk and relationship status with your organisation.

These insights are displayed directly in custom fields, helping you make proactive, data-driven decisions.

Complete interaction history

Every interaction - emails, calls, event RSVPs, and more - is stored as Posts on contact profiles.

Use tags to categorise and report on interactions by type, building a rich history for each contact that’s easy to understand and report on.

Quick actions for efficiency

SwiftFox profiles feature a Quick Actions menu, enabling you to call, email, text, or generate documents with minimal clicks.

Easily take actions directly from a profile, streamlining your workflow and saving time.

Outlook and Gmail integration

SwiftFox integrates seamlessly with Outlook and Gmail, letting you save emails directly to a contact’s profile.

Important communications are stored alongside other interactions as posts, creating a complete and accessible history for each contact.

Relationships & roles

SwiftFox lets you connect individuals to multiple organisations, reflecting their varied roles and the different relationships you may need to track.

Preserve historical records of past affiliations, ensuring your database provides a comprehensive view of each contact’s connections and relationships.

Streamlined task management

SwiftFox makes task management simple with a dedicated tab on each contact’s profile.

View all tasks linked to a contact, helping your team stay organised and prioritise actions for better efficiency and follow-up.

A swift summary of Contacts & Profiles

Create and manage profiles for all People and Organisations in your database with ease.

Take quick actions from any profile, like calling, emailing, or generating mail-merged documents.

Search for contacts or segment your audience using any database field for targeted communication.

Store all interactions, communications, and financial details in one centralised place.

Customise profiles with tailored fields, multi-select options, document uploads, and even AI-driven predictions.

Set detailed user access controls to manage permissions and protect sensitive data.

Save emails directly to profiles with Outlook and Gmail integrations for a complete communication history

Track roles, job titles, and relationships across multiple organisations, including historic connections.

Organise contacts with different category types, for a clearer overview of your database.

Let’s talk more

Our team is standing by to share our insight and expertise that comes from pushing ourselves every day to reach our goal of creating the best world’s best campaigning software.

We’d love to learn more about your engagement needs and show you how SwiftFox can help!

Learn more