001-05 Understanding Custom Fields
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Today we're exploring custom fields in SwiftFox, one of our most versatile and well used features. Custom fields live on the main profile page and contain all the important information about your contacts you need to store. The reason custom fields are so important is they enable you to track information about your contact that is unique to your organisation.
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All of this information is searchable and enables you to build reports, as well as targeted list for other SwiftFox features such as emails, events, texts and calls. Our session will cover SwiftFox custom fields options, create and edit new custom fields, search custom fields, split your custom fields into sections, and some handy tips. So let's get started!
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SwiftFox comes with existing custom fields, but it's easy to create your own. To do this, we need to select the manage button to make all fields configurable. Then we can select Add Field. Here we have a long list of custom fields you can create. These include auto increment. This is a number that automatically increments. Linked field. This will link an organisation's field with a field on an individual. Text.
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A free text box where you can add whatever you like. Number. This field will hold numbers only. You can also display it as a currency if you need a checkbox. A field you can check on and off. Time. Set a time that is relevant to this contact, for example a meeting or a next appointment. Select. Our most popular custom field.
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Our select field allows you to build a list of single or multi-select options. Timeline. Choose a date range. Date. Select just a single date. Record. Select another record, including both contacts in Swift folks or users in your organisation. File Upload. Upload attachments. Smart URL. Paste a website link and it will be set as clickable. Custom boundary. Display the region your contact lives in, customised to boundaries relevant to you, including local government, electorate, suburb or city.
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BPay reference. One for our finance customers.
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Now back to our example. Let's create a select custom field. Firstly, we'll label this option engagement and we'll add in two more options by selecting add option. We'll name these high, medium, and low. To colour code them, select on the colour dot and pick the appropriate colour. Select Allow Multiple to enable you to save several options to your record.
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To finish, select create. Now we have our own custom field.
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With our custom field created. We can head over to the List Builder and see the custom field section. Expand the accordion and see the custom field we've just created. Select the dropdown and select one option. Now all the records and square folks who have that option will appear in the results table. You can save these lists and use them across with folks in features such as emails, events, texts, and calls.
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In SwiftFox you can have an unlimited number of custom fields, so it can be very handy to split your custom fields into sections, which helps structure the information that you're tracking. To create a new section, head back to the custom field section on a profile. Again, we'll select manage. You then find and add new section button. We can give this a title and select create, to create a brand new section of custom fields, which you can start adding to. And to improve your structure even further
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you can enable different sections to be shown on a contact based on the category type of your record. For example, if your category type is set to member, you could have a membership custom field section visible, but if your category is set to prospect, you can have the membership custom field hidden until the category changes.
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Text and number of custom fields can also be searched in our Swift Search toolbar. To enable this, select Enable Swift Search when editing or creating a text or number custom field. Now, when you search for that value in the Swift Search toolbar context that have that value on there record will appear. New custom field sections will be collapsed by default.
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If you want to be able to view these details quickly while in manage mode, you can enable the option to have the section expanded by default. Similarly, you can disable this on the default custom field section so that it is collapsed by default.
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Well, there you have it. All of the highlights of custom fields in SwiftFox, our most versatile and well used feature.
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