010-05 Conditional logic on forms
00:00:05:24 - 00:00:34:33
Welcome to our tutorial on conditional questions in SwiftFox. This powerful tool allows you to create dynamic forms that adapt based on your user's responses, making their experience smoother and more personalised. In this session, we will walk you through setting up a conditional question that changes depending on the answer to a previous question. Creating a more intuitive form flow. So let’s dive in with a real world example.
00:00:34:37 - 00:00:56:07
First, let's start with a blank canvas. Drag in a question block to begin crafting your form. For our tutorial, we'll create a two part question about favourite international destinations. We'll first ask users to choose their favourite country from a list of five. Then inquire about their preferred city within that country.
00:00:56:11 - 00:01:28:42
Our initial question offers these options Australia, France, Great Britain, USA and Italy. Now let's set up our second question to discover their favourite city. For those who selected Australia, we'll create another question block with six Australian cities Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide or Cairns. Here's where the magic happens. We only want this block to appear if the user chose Australia to the first question.
00:01:28:46 - 00:01:56:32
To achieve this, click on the conditional settings in the question menu and select Add Condition. In the Conditional Question dropdown, choose our first question. What is your favourite country? Then under required answer, select Australia. This set up ensures that our second question block will only appear if the user picked Australia in the first question. Brilliant. Our condition is now in place.
00:01:56:42 - 00:02:26:29
Let's add one more group of cities, this time for the USA. To save time, we can clone question two and modify the details. Let's add some American cities New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston and Houston. For this set of options to appear, we'll create a new condition where the answer to question one needs to be USA. Now let's preview our form with these conditions in place.
00:02:26:33 - 00:02:52:43
Click on the Preview and Publish button. You'll notice we only see our first question. What is your favourite country? If you select Australia, the Australian cities will appear. Choose USA and you'll see the American cities instead. And there you have it. You've just learned how to set up conditional questions in SwiftFox. This feature allows you to create more tailored and engaging forms for your users.
00:02:52:47 - 00:03:10:17
Remember, this functionality isn't limited to just questions. It also works with other form blocks, including payment and subscription blocks for those using SwiftFox’s finance features. Thanks for joining us today, and don't forget to check out our other tutorials for more SwiftFox tips and tricks.
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