010-03 Understanding Form Questions
00:00:06:01 - 00:00:23:05
This lesson is all about questions or specifically the different question blocks in our form builder. We'll cover contact, contacts, text question, form responses. Let's dive in.
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So here I am in the form builder. Let's see what we have here. This here is the add/update contact. And it's pretty smart, even if we do say so ourselves. This block means that if a person or organization is not already in your SwiftFox contacts, a new profile will be created once they fill in their details.
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And if there is already a profile for them, any new information recorded will flow through to their profile automatically. Let's put this contact capture block to work. On the left side we can see properties and on the right side fields. Let's go into fields. Now fields are short for custom fields. It's how to cool people say data points that your organization is tracking from your contacts.
00:01:10:01 - 00:01:40:25
For example, we might record people's mobiles organisation, name their role in the organization or diet trace. Now these custom fields are the ones that we have set up but you can create really tailored fields for your organization. So check out our Custom Fields video if you would like some more examples. So I've gone ahead and added all these fields to my add update contact block
00:01:40:29 - 00:02:04:37
Wait, did already do this one? No we didn't. This one is all about the S. So what is Add/Update Contacts block? This is so you can record multiple people's contact details. When do you need to use it? For example, if you are creating an event form, you might ask your guests if they would like to invite a friend or other people from their organization.
00:02:04:41 - 00:02:35:17
So when this block multiple peoples, organizations and people s can be created. And of course, any additional information you learn about your existing contacts will flow through to three folks. Let's go ahead and add the update contacts block. Same as before, I'll add my fields mobiles, organization name. Go to properties, now what is this limit option? This is so you can limit the amount of new contacts recorded.
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Why would I want that? So if this was an event form, you might want to create a limit on the number of guests someone can add to your event. And select this box if you would like to create a separate organization profile. Great. Now select done.
00:02:55:04 - 00:03:13:15
Let's move on to the text question type. The text question type allows you to create a single question with a single written answer. Drag the question block onto the canvas and use this dropdown menu to choose your question type. Select text.
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Write your question, ‘What is the most memorable thing that happened to you this week?”. And then choose whether your question is required of people filling in your form.
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Click done! And that's it.
00:03:29:18 - 00:03:53:32
Where can I see my form responses? Forms stores data for you instantly in useful places. There are three places that form answers live in SwiftFox. Let's take a journey to find them all. The first is in posts in the global feed. Each time someone fills out a form, it will appear here as a post. Click the form title to reveal that person's answers.
00:03:53:36 - 00:04:21:00
The second is on a person's profile. Navigate to a person's profile. Click on the name in the global feed or search for the name of the person in the Swift search. Click posts. Here you will find a list of the forms this person has filled out and clicking the form title will display their answers. Answers filled out using the Add/Update contact block will appear in the fields in those relevant tabs.
00:04:21:04 - 00:04:29:24
And there you have it. What a lot of beautiful ways to record questions and answers. To check out our other form videos, click the link below.
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