011-02 Learn all the column options
00:00:04:16 - 00:00:26:14
Imagine you're playing a quiz game. The topic of the columns in SwiftFox. I know it sounds amazing, but my question is this can you capture it or would you just let it slip? But wait a vision from the corner of my eye. Or is it the screen right in front of me? I see a SwiftFox project.
00:00:26:15 - 00:00:45:20
Oh, what a powerful feat of organisation and prowess. I see collaboration, I see colours. It vanishes. That wasn't my project. That was the future. And what do I need to make my project vision come true? The columns! It's all about the columns! Let's learn!
00:00:45:24 - 00:00:53:47
Text. This is where you write words. I'll write, make an sensational point about the meaning of text column. Complete.
00:00:54:01 - 00:01:09:00
Next, number. This might trick you. It's for numbers. That's not what you expected? Right. It's numbers and currency. Let's add some numbers. Check box. You can check it or don't check it, It's up to you.
00:01:09:04 - 00:01:16:16
Time. Well, it is quite simply just a time. What time that is, is up to you. Easy.
00:01:18:39 - 00:01:40:22
Date. This is where you can add a date. Maybe this is the date that something's due. Maybe this is just a date that really means something to you personally. No? Don't do that? Useful dates? Useful dates only. Okay, well, I'll put a due date. Time line. This one is the same as the date column, except it covers a date range with a start and end date.
00:01:40:26 - 00:02:10:05
Select. This one works best with an example in the label. All right. Industry in the options. I’ll write healthcare, education, property. So select is about choosing a category type and a list of options. Let's keep it moving. Record. This is where I can add a person or an organisation from my contacts. I can even add both. Note that that would mean that in this column I could add either a person or an organisation, and that could get messy.
00:02:10:08 - 00:02:42:21
Next, file upload. This one is a bit of wordplay. Oh, it's not? Oh, it's actually pretty simple. Here, you upload files. Smart URL. This is where you can put links such as LinkedIn, social media and organisation website. I'll put one in custom boundary. I think this is pretty cool. Here you can select a boundary types such as local government areas or suburbs, which you can then pick from in the cell. Very handy.
00:02:42:25 - 00:04:22:04
And just like that, you have mastered the magic of columns in SwiftFox. Now when your project vision appears brimming with collaboration, colour, and pure organisational brilliance, you'll know exactly how to capture it. The future is yours, and it's looking pretty organised. Thanks for joining me. And may your columns always align.
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