011-04 Customise the view of your project board
00:00:04:00 - 00:00:28:18
If there is something that all people can agree on, it's that everyone likes a great project view. Whether you want to see your project as a board or a timeline, we've got you covered. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to customise your project view. What do filtering, sorting, and pinning have in common? There are different ways you can change the view of SwiftFox projects.
00:00:28:22 - 00:00:56:49
Let's start with filtering. Why filter? To get rid of the noise. Let me show you. Here we can see an expansive project, but now I'll select this funnel and filter this by due date. Well, that focuses the mind a bit. What about sorting? I want to sort by name, so I'll select sort, person and ascending, how alphabetical.
00:00:57:03 - 00:01:20:43
Pinning. To pin is to freeze a column frame. So no matter how big your project gets, your columns will stay the same. Grouped by. Is this a band name? No. This is a way you can group or bring together information. This can only be used for multi-select columns like progress. Now I can clearly see what's done and what's not. Fantastic. I'm going to go ahead and save this view.
00:01:20:47 - 00:01:38:11
Finally, if I want to see comments and tasks clearly on my rows, I'll click here and I can see all my tasks, comments and the row zoomed in and clear. Thank you for watching. SwiftFox projects is easy and customisable, so I hope you found a perfect project view for you.
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