02-01 Create tasks in SwiftFox
00:00:04:06 - 00:00:30:26
Hi, this is Madi...Fox. And today we'll be talking about tasks. SwiftFox Tasks. SwiftFox Tasks is like your virtual to-do list. You can manage all your tasks from your easy tasks, your hard tasks, those mid-range tasks you can assign tasks to people, and you can assign tasks to teams. You can even assign tasks within project boards.
00:00:30:30 - 00:00:57:29
So smart. Today we'll learn how to create a task. So let's dive into our first task tutorial. From the home page select task. Okay, let's create a task. Select create a task. So I need to write a welcome email to our new members. I will assign this task to myself. I'll select add me and you can see my name come up, Madi Fox.
00:00:57:33 - 00:01:19:42
I'll fill in the date and time I need. And I'm going to select user here as opposed to team because this task is just for me to set user permissions I'll click here. Now I can select whether people can view the task and or edit the task. If this doesn't appear automatically, I can search for my name in this toolbar here.
00:01:19:46 - 00:01:40:16
This time I want to create a task for my colleague Dan. So same as before, I'll select create a task, write a description and a date, select user and then I'll find Dan here. For this task I'll select view and edit. So Dan can edit his own task. Then, so
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Let's have a look at all our tasks. Here you can see tasks for today, my upcoming tasks, my overdue tasks and my completed tasks feels good.
00:01:51:40 - 00:02:06:41
And to filter my tasks. Say by due date I can select due date, is, I'll select the 8th of June. I'll also add an additional filter because I want to see who was assigned me in task.
00:02:06:45 - 00:02:13:43
So that's tasks. It's fantastic for managing your workflow and you can do even more with tasks.
00:02:13:47 - 00:02:18:23
In the next video I'll show you how to create tasks for your teams. See you there!
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