02-03 Create tasks on your project board
00:00:04:28 - 00:00:28:07
The time that tasks are really important? Project management. Here is how you can create tasks on a project. First, go to a project so you can see here I have a project for new member onboarding. Now in this webinar row I want to assign myself a task. So I remember to do this. Then I'll click on this three dot menu and create a task.
00:00:28:11 - 00:00:52:48
On this side panel you can create your task. So I'll write myself the task of setting up a zoom event in SwiftFox. Write the date and time and select add me. Great. Now this task is assigned to me and I can adjust who can see and edit this task here. Now I can see this task in my task list and on the project board, no excuses.
00:00:53:02 - 00:01:18:06
Let's create a task for a team on a project board. Send invites is listed as a project row. This is definitely a big team task so I will click here. Then I'll write, organise, webinar, invite list and the date and select team. Here I'll add the columns team. Again I can adjust the sharing permissions, but I'm going to leave everything clear and visible.
00:01:18:16 - 00:01:33:39
Then I'll select save. And once my task is complete, I can select done in my task list here. Or I can tick it off on the project board. Either way, it will result in one nice task in my project.
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