07-01 Explore SwiftFox Maps and analyse your data
00:00:04:13 - 00:00:33:42
When analysing data. Few things are more powerful than visualising it. SwiftFox Maps is a powerful tool unlike any other. Enabling you to visualise your own data while comparing it against thousands of other important data sets, kept up to date by our team. In this tutorial, we will show you the key parts of SwiftFox Maps, including creating a new map, adding your own data, exploring SwiftFox Data library, and saving your map.
00:00:33:46 - 00:00:55:36
So let's get into it. To access SwiftFox Maps, click on the map icon on the left side navigation bar. Now you will see your canvas. The space to build the layers of data to be visualised. Each data set you wish to visualise is referred to as a data layer in maps, and you can add as many data layers as you like.
00:00:55:40 - 00:01:24:11
To get started, add your first data point by selecting add new data to your map. From the draw, you can select the following options. Your own data stored in SwiftFox, the SwiftFox Data library, a previously saved map, or import additional data. Start by adding your own data. Now you will see a pop up that looks similar to the list builder, which will enable you to build your own search criteria.
00:01:24:15 - 00:01:45:46
Give your new layer a name and choose whether your records will be people or organisations in SwiftFox, as these records will appear in our new map. Choose the colour you want them displayed as in this example, we will select all our organisations in the area of Melbourne. Once you have your criteria, click add data layer to map.
00:01:46:08 - 00:02:14:34
Now the first layer of data is visualised on our map. You can also add additional data from the SwiftFox data library, which includes thousands of important data sets from Australia and New Zealand. To access the SwiftFox data library, click on any of the folders and explore the options available, which include national data on demographics, economics, education, elections, government areas, health and transport.
00:02:14:37 - 00:02:36:32
Click on the data set to see both the description and the source of the data. Once you have made a selection, click add data layer to map and it will also appear on your map. Now your map has two data layers. A couple of other useful items to note. You can switch off any of your layers at any time by using the toggle.
00:02:36:36 - 00:02:59:29
You can also reorder the layers to prioritise the data you would like to be the most prominent by hovering over the layer and dragging it to its preferred position. You can also reduce the opacity of each layer by playing around with the opacity bar. Now that you have created your map, it's time to save it. To do this, just click the save data map button underneath your layers.
00:02:59:33 - 00:03:11:11
Give it a name and select Save. Next time you visit SwiftFox maps, your map will be available in the Your Saved Maps section. Now you are familiar with SwiftFox maps.
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