07-02 Upload and map external data
00:00:04:05 - 00:00:25:22
With SwiftFox Maps, we are all about the power of visualising data. In this tutorial, we will show you how to upload your own external data to SwiftFox Maps, so you can visualise it with data already inside SwiftFox. So let's get into it. First, let's head over to SwiftFox Maps by clicking maps in the SwiftFox menu.
00:00:25:26 - 00:00:56:31
Now click add new data to your map and you will see our data drawer pop out. Under the add external data heading. Click or upload your own data. Now you can easily drag and drop your compatible files onto the upload box. Valid file formats include CSV, KML, and GeoJSON files. If you are using a CSV file to ensure your data can be processed seamlessly, make sure you follow the requirements outlined in the window.
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Once you've dragged your data onto the data box, you now be able to give your layer a name and update the colour that will appear on the map. Advanced users can also update the projection code, but the default will be fine for almost all cases. Once you're done, you can click add data layer to map and view your custom data on the SwiftFox map.
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And one final tip for added security your data isn't saved or stored in SwiftFox, so make sure you print or save the image of your map before exiting SwiftFox Maps.
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