20-01 Create a call list
00:00:05:18 - 00:00:37:03
Calls are the foundation of authentic constituent engagement. They're your direct line to understanding what truly matters to your audience. SwiftFox makes this connection seamless by letting you build targeted call lists and to make calls right within the platform. And the best part is, while you're having those meaningful conversations, SwiftFox is working behind the scenes, capturing detailed information through forms and even using AI to transcribe and analyse the sentiment of your calls.
00:00:37:07 - 00:00:53:07
In today's lesson, we'll explore three key areas creating your call list. Understanding the call screen interface and making VoIP calls. So let's dive into the calls feature and get started.
00:00:53:11 - 00:01:16:24
Welcome to the calls landing page. Here you'll see a comprehensive view of your organisation's call lists, both past and present. This table shows you everything at a glance. List names, associated survey forms, completed calls, remaining calls, tracking for callbacks, voicemails, and non-answers.
00:01:16:28 - 00:01:30:03
So, ready to create your first call list? Let's select create call list. First, give you a list of memorable name something like Q1 Voter Outreach that clearly identifies the campaign.
00:01:30:10 - 00:02:01:13
Next, choose your survey form from the dropdown menu. This will be your guide during calls. Select next for your audience. You have two ways to add contacts. Import from the list builder or add individual contacts. Once done, select next to review all your options. Take a moment to review your settings and then select Finalise List. Let's launch the call interface by selecting the phone icon.
00:02:01:17 - 00:02:26:22
The call screen has three main sections designed to streamline your calling experience. First, you find the call actions. Here you can view your completed calls from this list. Create a task on the profile. If there's anything you need to follow up on or assign to someone else, and view your current call list to see the status of all calls, which is everything you need to stay organised.
00:02:26:26 - 00:03:07:06
Next is your survey form section. This live form can be completed directly in the window and will be saved both in the form and on the contacts profile. Note that a call isn't marked complete until you submit the form. Finally, there's the contact overview section. This compact yet comprehensive view shows you essential contact details at a glance. You'll see the name, basic profile information, shared phone numbers, interaction history through posts, related tasks, and previous cold records, ensuring you have all the context you need from meaningful conversations.
00:03:07:08 - 00:03:38:07
Need more details? The full profile is just a click away at the top of your screen. You'll find options to navigate calls or track other outcomes such as tag the call as scheduled, callback, no answer, left voicemail, wrong number, or abusive collar. Now for the exciting part making calls. Making a call is simple. Select call with SwiftFox to connect to the VoIP service, then select dial.
00:03:38:11 - 00:03:54:42
Once the call connects, you'll see duration, plus options to hold, mute or end the call. Want to capture every detail? Select the transcribe button. Just remember to get consent first. We'll cover more about AI transcription in another lesson.
00:03:54:46 - 00:04:10:17
Thanks for joining us today and learning about creating a call list in SwiftFox Remember, effective calling campaigns start with well organised lists to explore more features and enhance your SwiftFox experience check out our other lessons.
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