003-04 Export from List Builder
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Today we're showing you how to export SwiftFox data using the List Builder, a quick but powerful tool. In this tutorial, we're going to show you how to export results to a CSV file and set permissions for exporting. Let's learn:
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You can export your entire database or just a segmented list from List Builder. First, create your desired list in the List Builder so your results appear in the results table. Once you are ready to export, you have two options.
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First, you can export all the results in your list. Click the List Actions button and select Export All. This will create a CSV file which will appear in your downloads folder.
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The file will contain all the data in your results table. Second option is to export a selection of the results in your results table. Select the rows you want included. Click List Actions and select Export selected. This will create a CSV file containing only the selected data in your results table.
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The exported columns will reflect the columns displayed in the results table.
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If you want additional columns exported, make sure those columns are visible in the results table. You can do this by clicking the hide column icon and selecting the columns you want exported.
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Not everyone can export lists in List Builder. System administrators can set permissions in settings under User Groups where you can see different user groups. Select the user group you want to have exporting permission in list management.
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Select list builder export. Toggle this on to give access and toggle off to deny access. So if you are trying to export and cannot see the option in the List Actions menu, you will need to contact your System Administrator to grant you permission.
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And that is how you export your lists in List Builder. What a ride!
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