13.5 Delayed automations
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Have you ever wished you could automate tasks that happened hours, days, or even months later? Let's explore SwiftFox's brilliant solution. Delayed automations.
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While instant automations are great for immediate actions, delayed automations let you schedule tasks for the future. Perfect for those of us who can't rely on memory alone, myself included.
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Let me show you how to set up delayed automations that will make you look incredibly organised.
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Here's a practical example. I have an automation that sends instant confirmation emails when someone fills out our support form,
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But to ensure our clients are happy with our service, I want to automatically send a follow up survey one week later.
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Let's set this up together. First, add a new action under your existing journey. Then select Set a time delay. Here you can specify the delay duration. In this case, duration is 1 and the time frame is a week.
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Save this action. Next we'll add another action to send our follow up email.
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For the email settings, select the contact who filled out the form as the target and the sender details will be our support team.
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Then select templates and I will use our pre-made support follow up email containing the survey. Save this action and then save and close the automation.
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You've just created an automated workflow that ensures consistent follow up without any manual effort. SwiftFox will handle everything while you focus on other important tasks.
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It really is that simple. Now nothing will get missed and you'll appear super organised while SwiftFox does all the work. Incredible.
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