009-05 Event Send Rules
00:00:05:32 - 00:00:23:28
Event Send Rules are one of the best tech gifts of the universe. They can help you segment your lists, write tailored emails, and finalise your event invite list faster. In this tutorial, you guessed it, let's learn how to create event send rules, and how to use them.
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So to create events send rules, you must be the most elite SwiftFox user there is: an admin.
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I see you've stayed. Nice to know I'm with such distinguished company. Let's dive in.
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Head over to Settings and then select Event RSVP Options. Now the first four event statuses allow SwiftFox to have zoom data funneled into SwiftFox. So if you have a Zoom event linked to SwiftFox, you'll be able to see who attended, and who didn't attend, etc. Let's focus on this customisable section: Event Send Rules.
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This is where you create what information you will track on your events. Now organisations like to track event data differently. You might want an RSVP response for attendees who have RSVP'd but not paid, or for people who have provided feedback or marked 'maybe' for an event.
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This information can then be used to send follow-up emails, assess event performance, and add to the rich data on individuals.
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Decide what would be most helpful for you. Okay, let's move on.
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Event Send Rules are incredibly useful when it comes to managing event RSVPs. I'll set the scene. I've sent my event invitations and received some RSVP responses, but I still need to finalise my event list.
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I can get a quick visual by going to my invite list, filter by 'maybe' responses, which is one of our custom event send rules, but you can filter by any send rules here.
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Now what is even more useful is that I can send tailored emails to different groups within my mailing list, based on their RSVP status. In my event under email, you can see I have already sent out an email invite. This was sent to everyone on my event mailing list. Let's create a second email that will be sent only to people who have RSVP'd maybe.
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So I'll create a new email, fill in the details, and select 'maybe' for event send rules. Great, that's been scheduled and set. Now I can keep creating tailored emails for different attendee groups.
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For example, I can send a thank-you email to everyone who has provided feedback or I can send a "Sorry, we missed you" message for people who selected attending but didn't actually attend.
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It's up to you, and you can clone your event email. Simply click clone and options will appear. Thanks for watching! To watch any more of our feature videos, click below too.
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